Well, apparently, I forgot for a moment that it's all about the children. Gonzales is going to be touting "Project Safe Children," a program created in conjunction with other efforts to keep kids "safe from internet predators."
Given Gonzo's track record on keeping kids safe, and my general faith in "programs" created to keep kids "safe" from predators, let's just say that this news brought about more than a few snorts of scorn in Smart Patrol HQ this morning.
But here's the deeee-lish part of the story. Gonzo's going to be giving this appearance with the head of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and...
...wait for it...
Patrick Fitzgerald.
Oh. Mah. Gawd.
Gonzales is scheduled to appear at the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse in Chicago to discuss the "Project Safe Childhood" campaign -- designed to protect kids from online predators -- with Fitzgerald and Ernie Allen, chief executive of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. But he's likely to face reporters' questions about Fitzgerald being ranked as undistinguished on a chart sent from his department to the White House in 2005, as well as the controversial fall firings of a group of U.S. attorneys.
Fitzgerald's ranking was reported last week in a Washington Post story.
The mediocre rating has been the subject of much joking among prosecutors, federal agents, defense lawyers and the media in the city, especially at the building where Fitzgerald has earned accolades for sweeping public corruption investigations.
Fitzgerald spoke out about the situation last week as his office was announcing yet another indictment against a one-time City Hall heavyweight.
"Oh, crap."
Pass the popcorn.
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