CHAPEL HILL, N.C. - The campaign headquarters of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards was evacuated Wednesday after a staff member opened a letter containing white powder, a campaign official said.Death threats, death threats, death threats! It's SOP for the Right! I'm sure if the bozo that sent this to Edwards HQ is caught (and if the substance does indeed prove to be harmless), we'll hear the "it was just a joke" excuse trotted out for one final shaking. And as Steve points out, "The Party that Polices Its Own" is showing some of that good old-fashioned "Compassionate" Conservatism.
"The health and safety of our staff and volunteers is obviously our paramount concern, so we contacted the authorities," said Jonathan Prince, deputy campaign manager. "The authorities have asked us to evacuate while they run tests on the substance, and we have done so."
Chapel Hill police spokeswoman Jane Cousins said the female campaign worker who opened the legal-sized envelope containing the powder has been interviewed by health officials and has shown no health problems.
Has the Silky Pony's make-up kit been checked for spillage?Not to mention images like:
If it was in the Edwards HQ, it was probably talcum powder for the "silky pony" himself.
On second look it turned out to be the Senator's blush.
So that's what the Breck boy has been sniffing.
Just the breck girl's hair care. Back to work all.
Did Johnny drop his compact and spill some powder?
From the girlie-man's compact!!
ROTF! Revlon sending the Breck Girl free samples....
Residue from Aqua Net!
Maybe it was silk pony pixie dust.
Before the authorities arrived they were probably trying to hide the Breck Girls tampax.
No, wait, you don't.
This is what we get to look forward to until the election: Death threats, and "Democrats are fags." It's good to see such dignified discourse from the Right. But hey, at least they're not saying "fuck," huh?
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