Why it matters…

when a senior aide to the nation's top law enforcement official takes the 5th.


Monica Goodling does have a good faith basis for pleading the Fifth Amendment - just not the ones in her lawyer's letter that are getting all the attention.

Under the federal False Statements statute, 18 USC 1001, it is a felony to cause another person to make a false statement to Congress. Since McNulty has allegedly told Senator Schumer that he made a false statement to Congress based on information provided to him by Monica Goodling, Goodling could very well be prosecuted for a Section 1001 violation.

All the rest of the crap in her lawyer's letter is intended to sooth as much as possible WH anger at her for invoking the Fifth.
And Atrios reports: "On Hardball Shuster is basically confirming this, that McNulty told Schumer he messed up because Gooding fed him some horseshit."

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