Wow, That's a Big Tent

Separate, but related, to this. Holy shit.

In a March 11 entry to his weblog (note: I removed the link to this entry; it's on the MM link, if you want to see it. I won't drive traffic to this guy. -PtS), columnist and film critic Steve Sailer -- who has written that African-Americans "tend to possess poorer native judgment than members of better-educated groups" -- posted excerpts of an article about Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) that Sailer claimed will be published in full in the March 26 edition of The American Conservative, a magazine co-founded by MSNBC political analyst Patrick J. Buchanan in 2002. Sailer has launched race-based attacks on Obama in the past and has drawn criticism for racist claims about African-Americans in general. The excerpts of Sailer's piece for The American Conservative are rife with baseless allegations, name-calling, and racial stereotypes.

Sailer, whose columns appear on, wrote (again, link removed, see MM piece for link- PtS) on January 2: "The brutal truth: Obama is a 'wigger'. He's a remarkably exotic variety of the faux African-American, but a wigger nonetheless." Sailer's column linked to a Wikipedia entry on the word "wigger," which, at the time (as well as currently) read: "Wigger (alternatively spelled wigga or whigger or whigga) is a slang term that refers to a white person who emulates mannerisms, slangs and fashions stereotypically associated with urban African Americans; especially in relation to hip hop culture."

More of Sailer's thoughtful writing:
Following the Hurricane Katrina disaster, Sailer wrote in a September 3, 2005, column that the "unofficial state motto" of Lousiana, "Let the good times roll," is "an especially risky message for African-Americans," adding: "The plain fact is that they tend to possess poorer native judgment than members of better-educated groups. Thus they need stricter moral guidance from society." Sailer also wrote that "there was only minimal looting after the horrendous 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan -- because, when you get down to it, Japanese aren't blacks." Later, he stated: "Poor black people seldom cooperate well with each other because they don't trust other blacks much, for the perfectly rational reason that they commit large numbers of crimes against each other."
I expect he'll be a guest on Hannity and Colmes the very day this article is printed.

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