Via Recon.
UPDATE: I told you that 300 was the hottest gay porn ever.
Thanks to Comandante Agi.
Also: The always brilliant John Rogers has a great review of 300 that pretty much sums up my feelings about it exactly. "But what surprised me the most, while watching the movie, and remembering the love heaped upon it by right-wingers ... 300 is startlingly anti-American. [...] That said, I liked the movie. But I went in with different needs. I don't need or want a king, or metaphors to help me convince my fellow citizens that another Great War is upon us, that we're just as special as the Greatest Generation and it's time to send more under-armed Tennessee National Guardsmen to fight Xerxes while I cash my think-tank check. I just needed two hours of entertainment. 300 got that job done." Totally. But definitely go read the whole thing.
And Minstrel Boy has a different take. I don't disagree with him; [SPOILER WARNING] I just, like John, went in with different needs, one of which was not "I need to see perhaps the greatest rape avenge scene ever committed to film," so, hey—I also got to be pleasantly surprised.
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