So he went to a Romney campaign event, a townhall meeting in Exeter, NH—and he asked him about it.
After telling Jerid "Nice try," as if his question was just a pointless "gotcha" and there's no genuine reason to question someone who wants to be president of the entire country but suggests that candidates who more closely represent half the nation are terrorists who wish for the deaths of Americans, Romney then goes on to note he doesn't read every sign and every button, big whoop, so what, geez Louise, and then tells Jerid to "lighten up."
Funny how the GOP is the party of personal responsibility when it comes to the poor, the homeless, the hungry, the jobless, those without healthcare, those without cars in the long shadow of an impending levee-destroying hurricane, kids found with joints in their back pockets, women who want abortions, and so forth and so on, but when one of them is busted giving a big grin next to a sign conflating Obama and Clinton with an infamous terrorist, then it's "I don't read every sign—not my fault—you need to lighten up!"
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