And They Will Reward Your Spree of Violence with Their Naked Boobies

So there's this new movie being released on Sept. 7 called Shoot 'Em Up, the plot outline for which is: "A man named Mr. Smith (Clive Owen) delivers a woman's baby during a shootout, and is then called upon to protect the newborn from the army of gunmen." (Only the baby, btw, because the mother gets shot in the head.) This whole baby-protecting scenario is not readily apparent from the movie poster, which features not the baby but instead the prostitute (Monica Bellucci) with whom he forms "a makeshift family" while on the run, and Paul Giamatti looking very, um, cocked and loaded, but okay. Wev.

So how to market a movie like this, which, though clearly cheeky and over-the-top and comic booky, nonetheless relies on a premise which has a newborn baby lose its mother to gun violence?

Obviously, what you want to do is offer an online promotional game in which if you shoot enough doodz in 30 seconds, $100 bills will fall away from the disembodied torso of a woman, revealing her almost-bare breasts.

And, for the mere sum of all your personal information, you can play the "R-rated" version, which, presumably, reveals fully nude boobies (sans cash pasties) and possibly makes her lose the panties, too.


[H/T to DBK via email.]

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