Right-Wing Operatives Plot to Overthrow Maliki, Replace Him with Reliable Collaborator Allawi: "The powerful Republican lobbying group of Barbour Griffith & Rogers is plotting an effort to displace Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and supplant him with former interim Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi."
[More at TPM Muckraker.]
You know, I've got a great idea. Since the pro-war GOP nutwitz think that Bush is Teh Best Preznit Evah!, and since Bush himself believes that a free Iraq is within reach, and since the 22nd Amendment prohibits Bush from preznitting in America again, why don't we just send his lousy ass over there where he can preznit to his minions' hearts' content?
Meanwhile, with him out of the fricking way, maybe we can actually come up with an efficacious Iraq policy.
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