"Clenis Blame"
sung to the tune of Tay Zonday's
megahit, "Chocolate Rain"
Clenis blaaaaaaaame!
Some can't help but focus on its reign.
Clenis blaaaaaaaame!
They can't forget the dress on which it came.
Clenis blaaaaaaaame!
Of their existence, Clenis is the bane!
Clenis blaaaaaaaame!
Did you hear it's covered with a vein?
Clenis blaaaaaaaame!
Man, this Clenis really has some fame.
Clenis blaaaaaaaame!
"Everything's its fault!" the dopes proclaim.
Clenis blaaaaaaaame!
For the world's ills the Clenis should feel shame!
Clenis blaaaaaaaame!
I don't know how such crap can be maintained.
Clenis blaaaaaaaame!
The wingnuts really, truly are insane.
Clenis blaaaaaaaame!
I hope some psychiatric help's obtained.
Clenis blaaaaaaaame!
One wonders what they have to gain?
Clenis blaaaaaaaame!
No focus on George Bush's lack of brains.
Clenis blaaaaaaaame!
It's just an endless, screeching, sad refrain.
Clenis blaaaaaaaame!
Politics is nothing but a game.
Clenis blame.
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