Mitt Romney is the only hold-out, presumably because his panties are still in a wad about the ignominious possibility of being asked a question by a snowman.
The snowman, by the way, is having none of it (and manages to get a dig at Romney for his "lighten up slightly" bullshit in the process):
Transcript: Hello, Mitt Romney. In preparing for the Republican YouTube debate, it's come to my attention that you feel answering a question from me would degrade the presidency. Lighten up slightly. From family snowman to family man, I hope you can appreciate that no one is more qualified to ask a question about global warming than a concerned snowparent. What if, on a hot summer day, there was a danger of your children melting into a puddle? I think you would agree, it is our duty as fathers to ensure that doesn't happen. I look forward to seeing you at the debate.
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