GOP YouTube Debate Back On

For November 28. Far enough in advance to avoid scheduling conflicts, one would hope. (That's the week after Thanksgiving, in case anyone was wondering.)

Mitt Romney is the only hold-out, presumably because his panties are still in a wad about the ignominious possibility of being asked a question by a snowman.

The snowman, by the way, is having none of it (and manages to get a dig at Romney for his "lighten up slightly" bullshit in the process):

Transcript: Hello, Mitt Romney. In preparing for the Republican YouTube debate, it's come to my attention that you feel answering a question from me would degrade the presidency. Lighten up slightly. From family snowman to family man, I hope you can appreciate that no one is more qualified to ask a question about global warming than a concerned snowparent. What if, on a hot summer day, there was a danger of your children melting into a puddle? I think you would agree, it is our duty as fathers to ensure that doesn't happen. I look forward to seeing you at the debate.

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