
So I'm reading in the WaPo that President Bush was treated for Lyme disease last year, which I'm guessing was kept secret for reasons of national security, and I see that the article notes possible effects of untreated Lyme disease include "arthritis, an abnormal heart rhythm and problems with the nervous system." What it doesn't note is that "problems with the nervous system" can mean anything from Bell's palsy (from which, it was speculated after the first 2004 presidential debates, Bush is suffering) to balance disorder (which one might expect someone who, say, falls off his bike a lot to have), both of which are associated with untreated Lyme disease. As are neuropsychiatric disturbances such as fogginess, hallucinations, and memory loss.

It also doesn't note when, exactly, Bush was supposed to have contracted Lyme disease. A week before treatment? A month? Six years?

Under normal circumstances, I would blow off this article like it was nothing. But we haven't been under normal circumstances for a long time. I don't even know what to think about it, really—but I don't believe that Bush was just treated for Lyme disease last year and that was that. I guess maybe I suspect there's something up with his health that might be quite serious, and this is the bullshit we're being fed instead of the truth.

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