Most US adults in the dark about world politics:
Two-thirds of US adults admit to being in the dark about political issues outside the United States, and only a third are well-versed in US politics, the results of a poll published Tuesday showed.Hmm. Anyone else thinking there might be some pretty significant overlap among the one-third who are "well-versed" in domestic and global politics? Gee.
One reason for the knowledge gap is lack of interest, according to the poll.It's pretty amazing how consistently somewhere between one-quarter and one-third of the US population proves themselves to be useless fucking gobshites.
"Well over half (57 percent) say they do not like learning about political issues in other countries," and 32 percent expressed a lack of interest for homespun politics, the Harris Poll group said.
Speaking of which, one in four American adults read no books at all in the past year. Wev.
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