HH: Your intention to go the distance, Tony Snow?Yikes, a little frisky at the end there, don't you think? I really am curious as to why he's running out of money. At $162,500, he is making a surprisingly small fraction of what he netted while at Fox. Still, that's quite a nice paycheck that easily dwarfs what a lot of people make in this country. The other problem is one of logic. If I'm running out of money, I think I would want to stay at my job as long as possible to get some, you know, income. Wev.
TS: No, I’m not going to be…I’ve already made it clear I’m not going to be able to go the distance, but that’s primarily for financial reasons. I’ve told people when my money runs out, then I’ve got to go.
HH: How long will that be?
TS: I’m not going to tell you.
HH: Well, come on, make some news.
TS: No.
I can't imagine anyone envies Tony's position, knowing that you would have to stand there every day and endlessly spew bullshit just to keep your job. It certainly could not have helped when trying to recover from some of the stuff he has been through.
Sad to see him go? Nope. But, I don't wish him ill.
Good luck, Tony and get some damn rest.
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