After the latest debacle by our beloved Congress, I'm no less frustrated or angry than others across the sphere. I almost do not have the strength to be disappointed anymore. Normally, with the lack of disappointment comes the begrudging acceptance of how things are, and how unlikely they're to change.
But this time, I feel a little different. I feel my energy is better served trying to collectively figure out where we go from here, in a more long term view. Simply put, our government is broken. Election fraud, power corruption, and our "two" party system are just not cutting it anymore. They've all contributed to a national mentality of nothing more than winning and losing, instead of working on what is truly best for our country.
Do we need to think about a different form of democracy? How should the voting process be overhauled? How about amendments that would give the people more power to oust a failed leader?
I realize that, on the surface, this may only amount to a utopian discussion. That said, ideas can spread rather rapidly in the blogosphere. The Netroots movement definitely has some power. But the real question is whether or not there's enough power to really shake the foundations of the current establishment and effect real change.
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