It seems some officers have gotten themselves in a wee bit of trouble by appearing in a Christian Embassy fundrasing video:
The Army and Air Force are considering disciplinary action against seven officers — including four generals — who violated ethics rules by assisting a Christian group in the production of a fundraising video.This comes as a result of an inquiry made by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation upon reading about the expose of this video made on Pentagon grounds. What's scarier than the blurred line of church/state separation is how one of the taped officers viewed the evangelical organization:
The Pentagon inspector general found the officers were interviewed in uniform and "in official and often identifiable Pentagon locations," according to a 45-page report.
Catton's response was similar. Christian Embassy had become a "quasi-federal entity," he told investigators, and he believed he was taking part in a program approved by the Defense Department.Now that's just plain fucking loopy. Quasi-federal entity? Task list:
1. Write Catton a new excuse for being in the video. All Shakers welcome.
2. Kick the CE out of the Pentagon on their asses to go evangelize somewhere that's not on federal government grounds.
3. After investigation, ask Michael Palin to perform the fish-slapping dance on the offending officers.
[H/T to Attytood]
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