This past Friday was the 25th anniversary of the compact disc. Even with downloadable media and iPods, CD's are still around, if nothing more than a way to transfer from one source to another.
I remember how I came across my first CD player when the technology was still quite new. There was a classified ad in the paper selling a black CD player for $85, which was really cheap back then. The reason the guy was selling it was because he was running a pirate radio station and had to get rid of all the equipment. Good day for me. As a bonus, he happened to have Pink Floyd's Meddle CD, technically making that my first compact disc. The next day, I went to Tower Records to purchase Dark Side Of The Moon, totally excited to listen to these pieces of work without any extraneous turntable noises. Nothing but pure silence during the quiet bits.
And so, Shakers, I pose to you: What was the first compact disc you ever listened to / purchased?
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