Do you collect anything?
I've never been much of a collector. I'm too random and a bit of a magpie, frankly. Very few physical things capture my attention for extended periods. I had the worst sticker-book in the fifth grade, because I just couldn't be arsed with it after awhile, even though I loved it at the start...
Every surface in our house is covered in tumbling piles of books, although we aren't technically "collectors" in the sense that you won't find hardly a valuable volume among them and our "collection" has no rhyme or reason. We're just book pack-rats, really.
The closest thing I have to a valuable collection by design is my music stuff, although a big part of what I'd collected was lost in a flood a few years back. And considering all the work and energy and money I'd put into finding and collecting it all, I found it surprisingly easy to let go without much regret at its ruin.
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