Remotely Natural Hair: Definitely a "Don't!"

I have just learned, from Jezebel via Zuzu, that Afros and dreadlocks are "inappropriate" in the workplace, according to an unnamed Glamour editor who recently spoke on the topic of corporate fashion at a New York law firm.

The style maven said it was ’shocking’ that some people still think it ‘appropriate’ to wear those hairstyles at the office. ‘No offense,’ she sniffed, but those ‘political’ hairstyles really have to go.

Setting aside the question of what the hell a law firm was doing hosting a fashion lecture in the first place, are you fucking kidding me?

As I said at Zuzu's place, what I know about African-American hair would fit in a thimble, but I do know that those "political" hairstyles are also known as "what happens when you don't torture your hair with chemicals and hot irons." And I know that, for as much time and money as I spend on being blonde, A) I would probably have to spend twice as much of both if I were an African-American woman trying to maintain straight, "appropriate" hair, and B) if I didn't spend that time and money, no one would tell me my hair doesn't fucking belong in the workplace.

Oh, but wait, she prefaced it with "No offense." So, you know, it totally wasn't racist.


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