U.S. Diplomat Is Batshit Crazy

Diplomacy is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. It usually refers to international diplomacy, the conduct of international relations through the intercession of professional diplomats with regard to issues of peace-making, trade, war, economics and culture. International treaties are usually negotiated by diplomats prior to endorsement by national politicians.
In the case of Patrick Syring, a career diplomat for the last 20 years, diplomacy is the art and practice of losing your fucking mind while informing the other party of their assured contact with hellfire for all eternity.

During the Israel/Lebanon conflict last summer, the founder of the Arab American Institute, James Zogby, took issue with the lack of American leadership to protect its own citizens during the strikes. Syring stepped in to address this issue as diplomatically as possible:
"The only good Lebanese is a dead Lebanese. The only good Arab is a dead Arab."

"You wicked evil Hezbollah-supporting Arabs should burn in the fires of hell for eternity and beyond."

"Arabs are dogs."
Sure, that's one way to handle it. Those 20 years of experience really came to fruition in some really mad diplo-skillz. Coincidentally, he retired last month. Yesterday, he was indicted for sending threatening communication, and for generally being a sick fuck. Once all is said and done, no one knows if Patrick will burn in hellfire for all eternity, but I think it's safe to say that he'll have a rather shitty retirement.

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