...in addition to the fact that we love her endlessly as the girl in
Love Actually who
deftly handles the realization that her hub's best mate's indifference is self-preservation and as the fiery Lizzie Bennet who
gives whatfor to Mr. Darcy in the rain and even, god help us, as
Because, when asked about the Chanel perfume advert at left, and specifically what were presumed to be air-brushed boobies, she
said, bluntly: "Those things certainly weren't mine. …I don't have any tits."
And because, when there was yet more to be said, she
said it: "Somebody goes, 'Gosh, you're pretty.' Thanks. I've got good genes! OK, I'm on the cover of a magazine but somebody else does the hair, and the make-up, and airbrushes the fuck out of me—it's not me, it's something other people have created."
(And, yes, I know there are constant
reports that she is anorexic, but considering in
candid papz shots not at
ritualized post-starving celebrations premieres / award shows, she generally looks like a healthy young woman—as opposed to, say,
this—and bearing in mind that I
always see pictures of her walking everywhere,
which is what you do in London, instead of taking limos everywhere, I'm disinclined to let the accusations preempt a commendation of her forthrightness about the beauty illusion. YMMV.)
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