$9.11 for Giuliani

Seriously—could Giuliani's campaign get any fucking tackier?

A supporter of Rudy Giuliani's is throwing a party that aims to raise $9.11 per person for the Republican's presidential campaign.

Abraham Sofaer is having a fundraiser at his Palo Alto, Calif., home on Wednesday, when Giuliani backers across the country are participating in the campaign's national house party night.
But don't expect this former State Department adviser, fellow at the Hoover Institution, and fundraising member of Teh Party of Responsibility and Teh Ownership Society to take any responsibility for or own his actions.
Sofaer said he had nothing to do with the "$9.11 for Rudy" theme.

"There are some young people who came up with it," Sofaer said when reached by telephone Monday evening. He referred other questions to Giuliani's campaign.

…Giuliani's campaign had no immediate comment.
Of course they didn't.

Realistically, what could they say? That Giuliani took one look at the smoking ruin of the World Trade Center, decided it was his ticket to the White House, and has been exploiting the tragedy for his own gain ever since? Just because it's as obvious as a hooligan at the Queen's tea doesn't mean they're going to admit it. I mean, that would just be disrespectful. It's one thing to dance on a grave, but you don't sing while you're doing it.

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