Stacey May wants to know: "Is it just me? Or does this print ad for P. Diddy's new fragrance seem, well, wrong? Unforgivable Woman? Really?"
"You're a dirty little unforgivable woman, aren't you?"
It's not just her.
The name of the fragrance is, of course, appalling. It sounds like the title of a book written by Kathleen Tuner's fictional romance novelist Joan Wilder, for a start. But it's somehow—unfathomably—made even worse by the accompanying image, as the unforgivable woman in question weakly submits to Sean Combs' manly, masterful advances while he holds her against a wall.
Meanwhile, Combs refuses to edit the accompanying television advert, which is so explicit it's been rejected by MTV, and includes scenes of "Combs pulling up [model Jessica Gomez]'s skirt and putting his hands under her dress. In another scene, a woman holds Gomez's breast and pulls down her underwear."
There's something unforgivable afoot, but I'm not sure it's a woman.
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