As I previously noted, there are plenty of domestic items that could use all of the billions of dollars being thrown to the war. Thanks to Supergenius, we now have one in the headlines: SCHIP.
In his current showdown with Congress, Bush claimed that the proposed SCHIP bill, at $35 billion, contains "excessive spending," which is quite the contrast to the $200 billion he's asking for Iraq, in addition to the astronomical amount we're already spending. Speaking of what we're already spending, here's something for you to chew on, care of the Dem Caucus:
That's right, everyone. In Bush economy, 35 is greater than 200 and $200 billion is not excessive. I think that at this point in his lame duck status, it would be nice for Supergenius to just say what he feels and stop beating around himself. If he feels his biblical mission in the Middle East is more important than anything else in our own country, he should just say it and cut the posturing crap. He shouldn't hide it in some ridiculous veto threat that defies logic. But, he won't. He won't, because he's scared to do anything that could upset his delusional view of his place in history.
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