Bush: Foreign Relations Supergenius

In case you missed this stunning portion of his presser, the "C student" showed everyone how he must have also gotten a C in current events:
In a press conference this morning, President Bush tried to assert that Saddam’s brutal rule over Iraq wiped the country clean of potential democratic reformers — individuals who may have possessed leadership skills like former South African President Nelson Mandela. In doing so, Bush inartfully suggested Saddam killed Mandela:
I thought an interesting comment was made — somebody said to me, I heard somebody say, “Now, where’s Mandela?” Well, Mandela’s dead because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas.
The problem with that dumbfuck mistake, aside from the obvious fact that Nelson Mandela is still alive, is that now we've got a problem with South Africa:
"It's out there. All we can do is reassure people, especially South Africans, that President Mandela is alive," Achmat Dangor, chief executive officer of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, said as Bush's comments received worldwide coverage.


References to his death -- Mandela is now 89 and increasingly frail -- are seen as insensitive in South Africa.
Fantastic. That's some great Grade-C work, there George, and we didn't even have to bomb them. Another great step forward for America, bitchez.

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