Chertoff: We're Preparing for Nuclear AttackHa! For a moment there, I thought the Department of Homeland Security was actually focusing on how it would respond to the human crisis and infrastructural catastrophe. But…no. Just how it will gather evidence to start another war.
"The enemy is not standing still. They are constantly revising their tactics and adapting their strategy and their capabilities," said Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. "And if we stand still — or worse yet, if we retreat — we are going to be handing them an advantage that we dare not see them hold."
He said the threat of a USS Cole-type attack on U.S. ports — where a small boat packed with explosives detonates in a harbor — is one of his top concerns.
And while the department's goal is to keep nuclear weapons from entering the country, he said it also is focusing on how it would respond should a nuclear device get through and explode — particularly how to identify and track the nuclear materials.
[Petulant passed on this story to me with the note: "I thought you would like to know that we are going to die! Nice knowing ya!"]
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