Noted South Florida preacher and rabid anti-gay activist
D. James Kennedy has died.
The 76-year-old pastor died "peacefully, in his sleep, at home" around 3 a.m., according to the Rev. Ronald Siegenthaler, executive minister at the 10,000-member church. By his side was Anne, his wife of five decades.
The pastor of the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale had suffered from several ailments since a cardiac arrest on Dec. 28. He underwent treatment at Holy Cross Hospital, then rehabilitation in Michigan, but never returned to the pulpit.
One of the best-known ministers in the nation - indeed, the world -- Rev. Kennedy affected politics and social movements through a combination of measured intellectual prose and a tough conservative philosophy. In so doing, he rallied thousands who aimed at "Reclaiming America for Christ," as one of his organizations was called.
He also angered others: gay leaders, religious and political liberals, those who sought to limit religious involvement in government.
Some of his more choice anti-gay quotes, courtesy of AMERICAblog and Right Wing Watch:"With other dangerous and contagious diseases, all sorts of efforts are made to identify those carrying the disease, and to minimize their contact with the public. And yet, here we have homosexual rights groups working day and night to make sure AIDS victims ARE NOT IDENTIFIED! ? Until action is taken, AIDS victims are free to infect anyone ?" (Newsletter, 1989)
Another newsletter item featured a photograph of very young children under the headline, "SEX WITH CHILDREN? HOMOSEXUALS SAY YES!" The newsletter went on to assert that "Adult sex with children has been a crucial component of the homosexual movement all along."
"Whatever four members of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts may say, the intimate coupling of two men or two women is not marriage. It is a pale and misshapen counterfeit that will only serve to empty marriage of its meaning and destroy the institution that is the keystone in the arch of civilization. ? If homosexuals win the right to 'marry,' expect further similarly argued claims challenging legal barriers to polygamy, bestiality, and child marriage." (Center for Reclaiming America for Christ, 10/2003)
As I said when Jerry Falwell boarded the Stygian Express, I hope he's greeted at the Pearly Gates by Matthew Shepard.
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