Absolutely mental! It's the sound that their heads make when they hit each other's bodies that's just crazy. Thwap! Thunk! ZOMG.
At the state fair a few years ago, I had the opportunity to get right up next to a giraffe. First of all, even having seen them from a short distance at a zoo, I didn't fully appreciate the genuine enormity of giraffes until I was standing beside one—they are colossal beasties! Secondly, I'd always thought they seemed strangely delicate, balancing on those spindly legs and carrying around those impossibly long, thin necks, but being beside one, I could just feel the strength in its very presence. When I ran my hand along its neck, it was just amazing to feel the ropy muscle rippling beneath the smooth skin.
It collected some grain out of my hands with its purple tongue, to my amusement. I never thought to be glad it didn't knock the shit out of me with its head. Thwap!
[H/T Chris.]
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