Why not use this picture, which is used just down the page? (And yes, they repeat images—at least the unflattering ones.) The whole framing seems to say, "She says she's not a dyke, but this picture tells a different story!" Wev.
Do you think CNN's decision to pick possibly the ugliest picture of Hillary Clinton I've ever seen, despite her being a rather attractive woman, to accompany a snippet about being asked if she's a lesbian, has anything to do with the tired old trope that that ugly women (especially pissed-off-looking ugly women) must be lesbians? Not the "good" kind, either, who are hot and totally D0 IT!1! for the pleasure of straight men, but the mean, humorless, hairy kind who want rights and stuff.
Why not use this picture, which is used just down the page? (And yes, they repeat images—at least the unflattering ones.) The whole framing seems to say, "She says she's not a dyke, but this picture tells a different story!" Wev.
Why not use this picture, which is used just down the page? (And yes, they repeat images—at least the unflattering ones.) The whole framing seems to say, "She says she's not a dyke, but this picture tells a different story!" Wev.
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