You know, it's bad enough when beautiful women are retouched and reshaped and redrawn to sell magazines or movies or cola or floor wax, but when Jennifer Lopez isn't considered beautiful enough (by herself? by the label?) to appear as herself in the marketing for her own album, we've just seriously gone off the deep end as a culture.
Click image to embiggen.
Tell me I'm not the only one who finds a painful irony in J-Lo having been Photoshopped into something vaguely resembling an alien Real Doll to promote an album entitled "Brave."
"Brave" marketing v. candid shot on Sept. 6 at the
Fashion Rocks Concert at Radio City Music Hall in NYC
And, yeah, I'm aware that there are arguments made in favor of highly stylized shots like this one from an artistic standpoint, but isn't it funny how women's images are always "stylized" in precisely the same ways as run-of-the-mill mag covers? It's like if you throw in some gloss and a wacky background, we're not supposed to notice (or care) that it's just more of the same "Impossibly Beautiful" bullshit.
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