Question of the Day

In the comments thread of Melissa's post below, I mused that I was very glad I didn't have the internet when I was a total drama queen teenager, because at least all of my embarrassments were local. I can't imagine a world where my latest hissy fit could potentially go viral and wind up on Jay Leno that night. Remember the most humiliating thing that happened to you in high school? You know, that one thing that you still cringe about when it slithers out of the back of your brain? Imagine that all over the internet. Jebus. I'd probably run off and live with the Sherpas.

You've gotta admit, though...Chris is dedicated, man. Check out his collection. Omg.

So here's the question, Shakers: What band or celebrity were you so gaga over and dedicated to as a teenager that you would have gladly posted a tearful video "protecting" them on YouTube, even if you knew you'd be dying a thousand deaths over it when you were a somewhat more sensible adult?

I think we all know Melissa's...after all, she's one mascara-streaked webcam clip away from it, herself.


(BTW, Chris Crocker, I think you're awesome. You have your Britney freakout, girl.)

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