Sure, some of us may think of the former Speaker as the ethically-challenged, unhinged conservative who shut down the government (twice) and was driven from Congress by his caucus. Or who includes among his "big ideas" getting laptops for the homeless. Or who raised concerns about women in combat roles because, "males are biologically driven to go out and hunt giraffes." Or the man who was so outraged by President Clinton's personal indiscretions that he sought impeachment during his own extramarital affair.Of course he is. And I'm sure given his recent lamentation of unconstructive "attack politics," he'll be running a positive campaign chock full o' integrity and honor with nothing but "serious dialogue" and "serious citizenship," and none of the snarling personal attacks that were the hallmark of his campaign to misdirect attention away from the business of running the country to the business of blowjobs.
But that's apparently all in the past. Now he's the GOP Savior of the Week.
Root-a-Toot Newt: Make Way for the Newtmentum!
As I mentioned yesterday, Newt Gingrich is threatening to throw his enormous hat into the ring, and Steve Benen catalogs the Gingrich Groundswell among conservatives still desperate for a savior.
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