Spinach, Garlic, Garbanzo Bean SoupLooks fabulous! Let's get this going again--send in your favorites to: shakergourmet (at) gmail.com. If you have a blog, include a link!
* 2 T olive oil
* 4 crushed cloves of peeled garlic
* 1 coarsely chopped onion (more or less to taste, but don't skip it entirely, even if you don't like onions)
* 2 t. Cumin to season the onions and garlic
* 5-6 cups of veggie or chicken stock, depending if you are a carnivore or a veggievore
* 3 potatoes, peeled and chopped into 1/2 inch or so chunks
* 15-oz can garbanzo beans, sans liquid
* 1 c. fat free half and half (you can go the full cream route, if you want, but it doesn't add much)
* 4 T. tahini (not essential - it tastes fine without it, but adds a nice touch)
* 2-4 tablespoons corn meal (some people use corn starch, but corn meal adds a lovely flavor and thickness, a heartiness to the soup)
* 1/2 pound or more spinach (again, add more or less depending on your preferences
* Cayenne pepper or chili pepper flakes
Saute the onion and garlic in the heated oil, and season with cumin when tender. Add the veggie/chicken stock and potatoes, bring to a boil and then simmer for about 10 minutes. While that is cooking, mix the half and half, tahini and corn meal together, and add to the cooked soup. Heat through, then stir in spinach and cayenne/chili pepper flakes, and simmer for about 10-15 minutes more. It's even better the next day!
Shaker Gourmet: Spinach, Garlic, Garbanzo Bean Soup
This is Shaker Natasha's recipe for the dish mentioned in the comments of a recent QoTD:
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