They All Laughed

Yesterday's Quote of the Day --
"In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country. We don't have that in our country. In Iran we don't have this phenomenon. I don't know who's told you we have it." — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
-- was greeted with derisive laughter and catcalls from the audience at Columbia. The reaction of Ahmadinejad is priceless.

Of course Iran has gays, as does every country of the world, and Iran has executed them, so the president's whopper is just further proof that he's a liar and a thug. I'm a great believer in the Mel Brooks theory of how to deal with terrible people: laugh at them, and the audience at Columbia, with their impromptu and perfect response to this little tinpot despot was exactly what was needed. All of a sudden his preening anti-American rhetoric and pseudo-intellectual pomposity, not to mention his crocodile tears about being criticized by the president of the university, showed that he was just a petulant little turd, hardly worth all the rants from the outraged that made Mr. Ahmadinejad the boogeyman. He deserved nothing more than the laughter and the catcalls he got, and you can bet that played well back in Tehran.

Now what's really needed is a good gay make-over for Iran; get away from all that tired Persian desert architecture or boring glass and steel from the era of the Shah. They need something that makes the country completely gay-friendly, something that says, "Hey, boys, fly away on my carpet!" And it looks like Bruce McCall of The New Yorker has provided the perfect rendering for the newest condo tower in Iran.

Where once stood Persepolis, how about Gayopolis?

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