Leave us alone:
While political junkies have enjoyed the extended pre-season for Election 2008, most voters say that the debates and other campaign activities so far have been annoying and a waste of time.
Not to mention money. The millions and millions of dollars that have already been spent by candidates in both parties is just staggering. And for what?
A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 56% of Likely Voters hold that view while only 29% say the campaign so far has been interesting and informative.
In fact, 72% of voters would favor a proposal to shorten the Presidential campaign season so that no one could begin campaigning more than a year before election day.
so go for that, it's not even funny. Except why even give them a year? Let's limit it to three months. No one should need more than 90 days to lay out a comprehensive agenda to the country and answer any questions about it.
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