The nonsensical point in question being made by Radar's Ray Gustini, is that the media is being too easy John Edwards, and as evidence: "Remember the revelation that two Edwards campaign bloggers authored anti-Catholic posts on their personal blogs? No, right?" This is an important point to make, by the way, because the MSM isn't widely reporting a National Enquirer story that Edwards had an affair. (Goat-blowers are all over it, however.)
Funny thing, though—lots of people actually do remember that "revelation." It was just brought up in that (now-1,300+ comments strong) MRA thread. Nearly every time a rightwing blogger links to me, they mention it. I was just obliquely quoted in The New Yorker's Shouts & Murmurs this week (question 7). And if you Google "Melissa McEwan," you have to go to something like page 58 of returned searches before you reach a page with no reference to that "revelation" on it.
So on that whole not remembering thing? Not so much.
And for added shits and giggles, here's another look at the sum total of my heinous anit-Catholicism as described in the WaPo article to which Gustini links:
On Tuesday, Donohue called for Edwards to fire the bloggers, citing posts that the women made in the past several months in which they criticized the church's opposition to homosexuality, abortion and contraception, sometimes using profanity.So, perhaps Gustini ought to be forgiven on the basis he doesn't read good, because the evidence of anti-Catholic bigotry appears to be so profoundly lacking, it's almost incomprehensible that someone who did read good would come to the conclusion I wrote "anti-Catholic posts" and report it as fact.
…McEwan had written that the pope is among those who "regularly speak out against gay tolerance." Other postings used more graphic language.
But, as you know, the Queen Cunt is nothing if not understanding and generous, so help is on the way.
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