The United States tortures prisoners in violation of international law, former President Carter said Wednesday.Fucking right. Like how it's a basic human right to not have to pay any taxes if you're stinking rich. Wev. Go get 'em, Jimmy.
"I don't think it. I know it," Carter told CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
"Our country for the first time in my life time has abandoned the basic principle of human rights," Carter said. "We've said that the Geneva Conventions do not apply to those people in Abu Ghraib prison and Guantanamo, and we've said we can torture prisoners and deprive them of an accusation of a crime to which they are accused."
Carter also said President Bush creates his own definition of human rights.
Btw, though Carter was more circumspect about Bush than my title suggests, he really did call Cheney a "disaster" and "a militant who avoided any service of his own in the military." Arf!
[Thanks to Shaker Kevin—no, the other one…yeah, that guy over there!—for the CNN link.]
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