Get Him on the Ballot, Brad

In an interview with Parade magazine—which, if you're anything like me, you associate with the Sunday paper and Howard Huge—Brad Pitt demonstrates he's got slightly more than the average celebrity going on upstairs. Among discussing his thoughts on global charity work, losing his religion, and his family, he's asked about running for public office:

I suggest that he run for political office.

"Oh, my God!" Pitt says in surprise. "I never thought about it. I have no desire at this point. Maybe I serve better by not going through that door." He laughs. "George should do it!" he says, offering up pal Clooney. "He'd be quite good. I think Ben Affleck should run."
Ha. I agree! Because no one cares if Ben Affleck stops making films, but Babel and Syriana were good!

Also because Affleck's way more interesting a regular dude than he is a good actor.

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