So, now that the administration who is gung-ho about teh terrorists massively fucked up our ability to track these guys (read: compromised our national security), we can be lulled back to sleep with that soothing phrase that helps us forget everything: "We will be investigating."
U.S. intelligence officials will investigate allegations that the government improperly leaked a secretly obtained Osama bin Laden video, alerting al-Qaeda to a security gap in the terrorist group's internal communications network that it was able to shut, an intelligence spokesman said yesterday.See? Everyone can go back to what they were doing and even take a nap. I have
Ross Feinstein, a spokesman for the director of national intelligence, said officials are looking into the leak allegation by the SITE Intelligence Group, which passed the video on to the White House and the director of national intelligence's office before its leak.
[Dana Perino] told reporters that "this was a cause of concern that the information was leaked. And I would have to refer to the DNI's office in regards to any possible investigation into that leak."In other words, the White House had nothing to do with this, ask someone else, and please feel free to keep helping us do our job. Sorry to say this, Frances, but you already had the cooperation and you fucked it up. How, exactly, do you plan to gain the trust from others to cooperate? I know, don't ask.
Frances Fragos Townsend, the White House homeland security adviser, expressed concern about the leak in a news conference, saying the government needs the cooperation of private individuals and companies in stopping terrorist groups.
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