Photo of Larry Craig checking his email on his Blackberry
Remember that time when Ted Stevens called the internet a "series of tubes"? Of course you do. And what was so egregious about that was that he the chair of the the Senatorial body in charge of regulating the internet.
Well we've got another one of those moments. Larry Craig (yes, that Larry Craig) is a member of the Congressional Internet Caucus and was once presented with the Internet Keep Safe Coalition Award. The problem? Craig said this in his recent interview with Matt Lauer:
Matt, you won't believe this. But I don't use the Internet. I don't have a computer at my desk. I've never used the Internet. It's just not what I do.So, either he's lying through his teeth or he's pretty much Ted Stevens' soul mate (no word on whether Stevens swings that way).
Unfortunately, at least for the purposes of humor, it seems he's merely lying through his teeth, and for no apparent reason. Craig has personally written about doing Google searches and has had several other documented encounters with the information superhighway. So Larry, if you're reading this, feel free to leave a comment.
(Cross-posted from The Daily Background.)
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