I just wanted to make a quick point about the "War on Christmas" idiocy, which as many of you know, I've *ahem* calmly discussed in the past. As Andrew Sullivan wryly points out, it starts earlier every year.
Wonkette links (thank goodness, because I refuse) to the latest bit of stupidity for this Christmas season. As we all know, the best way to deal with any social or political issue you feel strongly about is to slap a magnet on your car. And what a delightful assortment we have! "It's Still A Wonderful Life! Merry Christmas!" Recalling, of course, that Jesus-packed famous film with whatshisname... complete with a happy photo of the real First Family. Then we have the charming "Merry Christ-Mas! An American Tradition," which will go nicely with "This is America! And I'm going to say it: Merry Christmas!" on your other SUV, because as we all know, Christmas is only celebrated in America.
A few points:
If you can look at these things and still have trouble figuring out that this whole "War on Christmas" thing has been cooked up out of sugarplum dreams and elf farts for the sole purpose of taking money away from the gullible, I don't know how to help you.
Second, the last magnet I mentioned in particular just goes to point out how the people who have been duped into believing that this "war" actually exists aren't concerned with Christmas in the slightest bit. "This is America, and I'm Going to Say it: Merry Christmas" is not an invitation to join in the celebration of the season. This is a challenge. It all boils down to this: the people that will display this sticker are hoping you have an adverse reaction when you see this on their car. This would be the best possible outcome, because then you, in your Christmas-hatin' way, have completely justified their twisted world view. You see! The War on Christmas does exist, and that heathen just proved me right! This isn't a celebration, it's a confrontation.
Deep down, consciously or unconsciously, they are trying to spread ill will.
You know, just like Christ would do.*
Personally, I celebrate and love the Christmas season, and I'm gloriously infuriated that the holiday has been twisted into yet another chance to play "us vs. them." This has nothing to do with Christmas itself; this is another thinly veiled red vs. blue game that we are forced to play by their screaming, thin-skinned insistence. Saying "Happy Holidays" isn't an attack on Christmas, it's a way of being all-inclusive and spreading goodwill.
You know, just like Christ would do.**
* Joke.
** Not a joke.
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