And He's having a bad millenium!!!!
With breaking news that the San Diego blazes are a result of G-d's fire and brimstone-response to teh gays, teh people who hate America, etc., etc., etc., you'd think the people who claim to really Love the Lord would be doing their best to divert attention from His deteriorating aim.
Last time He tried this, and brought judgment deluge-style onto New Orleans because they were about to celebrate perversity and/or had 5 abortion clinics (we can't really be sure which was the real problem for G-d, because that's "Not For Us To Know"), He accidentally damaged or destroyed over 2000 of His own Houses of Worship on the Gulf Coast - more than 900 were Southern Baptist!!!
And just yesterday, He slipped up and set fire to a Baptist church in Rancho Bernardo!!! (Boy, I bet He's feeling really embarrassed about that, what with all the press the past couple of days about His "Big Wrathful Comeback".)
I mean, won't you people have a heart?! G-d is OLD! Like, at least 6000 years old, since He was around to create the Earth!
[Seriously -- I am so sick of this shit. I happen to believe in a Divine Creative Force, and my God doesn't have time to sit around trying to figure out a way to screw people over.
My God is the helping hand at the emergency tent, and demands that I hold other beings in compassion. So when I read the home-page of the website of the Baptist church in San Diego that was burned, my first thought (even though most in that congregation probably think I'm going to burn in hell, and would smirk at the thought of it) was not "Hmph! Serves 'em right!", but: "Wow, that must be really, really hard on them."]
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