Evidence that McCain forgot his medicines the morning of the South Carolina event became obvious when someone on his bus asked what was on his iPod:Okay, McCain has now officially moved beyond generally stoopid into a whole new realm of nutz. I'm not dissing ABBA, because I sing me a mean Fernando, but those bitchez have sold 370 million records. The Beatles have sold over a billion."Dare I say ABBA. Everybody says, 'Ehhh, ABBA.' Why is that? ABBA was the largest selling (recording act ever). Nobody likes them but they sold more records than anybody in the history of the world, including the Beatles. But everybody hates them. (But) you're a no-class guy if you like ABBA. Why does everybody go see 'Mamma Mia?' Hypocrisy! Rank hypocrisy! I'm not embarrassed to say I like ABBA, 'Dancing Queen.'" (emphasis ours)Yeah America, wtf? Fucking "Dancing Queen." All these kids with their hips hop and their Obama…. I just want a hot meal.
And, last time I checked, Elvis Presley was still the best-selling artist of all time. That may have changed, but he's sold over a billion records, also meaning he's outsold ABBA by a long shot. Probably even Celine Dion has. Yeesh.
He's better off sticking to waxing scrumdiddlyumptious about hot dogs.
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