Naaa Naaa, Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Naa Naa

I can't believe I still have to wait until May to see this. Ever since I heard the names "Tony Stark" and "Robert Downey, Jr." together in the same sentence, I've been drooling like a mad hound for this flick.

In the meantime, I'm satiating myself with a Robert Downey, Jr. film fest. I've got Kiss Kiss Bang Bang on right now, which isn't great, although it has a good scene about how guys grabbing tits should not be treated as No Big Deal, but it was on telly and it's got him in it, so I put it on, and last night I watched one of my favorite films, Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus, which contains just the Sexiest Scene Evah, involving RDJ, Nicole Kidman, and the liberal use of shaving cream. And now I'm wondering why on earth Chaplin isn't part of my DVD collection. Must remedy.

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