[The refrigerator makes a loud clunking sound, as it is wont to do.]
Mr. Shakes: What dae ye fink aboot refrigeratoors that make lood cloonking soonds?
Liss [cravingly]: I think that I wish they had something sweet in them.
Mr. Shakes: Dinny we have any sweeties?
Liss: Nope. Not even a piece of fruit. We've got nothing sweet in the whole house—except for that Jell-O you bought and have yet to eat.
Mr. Shakes: Och, it's noot like it's gooing tae goo ooff anytime soon. That stooff would survive a nuclear hooloocaust.
Liss: Mm-hmm. Ground up hooves are awesome that way.
Mr. Shakes: And if we ever have a nuclear hooloocaust, you'll be glad I booght that Jell-Oo!
Liss: Naturally. Because after a nuclear holocaust, I'm sure there will loads of clean water with which to make it.
Mr. Shakes: We coold make it with urine!
Liss: Mmm, tasty.
Mr. Shakes: I woonder what Jell-Oo made with urine tastes like?
Liss: Salty, I'd wager.
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