Oh for the love of…

I just read this shit about a coming out twist in a gay-bashing murder trial and it made my Afro hurt.

The defendant allegedly targeted the victim because he was gay and the horror of that is bad enough, but this motherfucker is now fighting the hate crime charge by claiming he “could be a homosexual” his damn self. His logic being that because he “could be a homosexual” he can’t possibly hate gays and not hating gays means that he did not pick the victim out and murder him because that victim was gay.


The sad thing is that anti-gay behavior is more often than not an expression of self-hatred. One need only look at anti-gay public figures to find examples of that.

Anyhoo, legal analysts took a long healthy piss in the defendant’s Corn Flakes by pointing out that the law only requires that the accused have singled out a person for a violent act because of some belief or stereotype about that person's ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability or sexual orientation.

So it’s likely that the defendant opened his closet door to reveal his prison cell.

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