First he's guilty, then he's not. First he's going to resign, then he's not. He has been all over newspapers, magazines, talk show host comedy routines. The phrase "Larry Craig" has become a punchline for borderline homophobic bathroom jokes of all varieties.
Now the Idaho Senator wishes to file an appeal over a judge's refusal to allow him to withdraw his guilty plea regarding his bathroom sex sting arrest. While some still debate whether or not the bathroom sting was ethical, fair or accurate, it is impossible to know whose side of the story is factual without having been there. Furthermore, the practice of the media of exploiting the "gay" element of the story to create much more of a parade than it should be has certain made matters worse.
The real annoyance of this douchebag and his story, however, lies in his hypocrisy, his gall, his inconsistency, and his inability to shut up. Of his appeal, he claims, "It is my right to do what I'm doing ... I'm not running for re-election. I'm no longer in the way. I am pursuing my constitutional rights."
How positively adorable that Craig is now interested in Constitutional rights. Oh the irony. What was that bit about voting for a Constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, voting against adding sexual orientation to hate crimes bills, voting against funding for minority and women-owned businesses ... and well, basically voting to shit on everyone else's Constitutional rights in any way possible?
On top of that, he's now whining that Mitt Romney sacked him as a campaign liaison, bellowing, "he not only threw me under his campaign bus, he backed up and ran over me again." Hey Craig - what's Romney to do - stand by your waffling ass? He himself is a flip-flopper enough as it is, he doesn't need you adding to the confusion.
Listen, I don't care if you're gay, if bathroom stalls make you horny, or if you just enjoy tap dancing while taking a piss - you're getting a taste of your own medicine and I'd appreciate it if you'd shut up and go away so I don't have to hear about you anymore. Not from Matt Lauer, Bill Maher, or anyone else who wants to seem "topical." Please join the growing numbers on the Island of Misfit Homophobic Hypocritical GOP Politicians Caught in a Sex Scandal, and give us all a break.
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