Quote of the Day

[Background: Bonnie and Halsey Frost appeared with Keith Olbermann tonight, to discuss dealing with the attacks with which they've had to contend since 12-year-old son Graeme served as a spokesman for SCHIP and explain exactly what the SCHIP program has meant for their family.]

"Olbermann prodded the family to supply pictures of their children in the hospital recovering from their terrible accident. The photos were displayed as Olbermann and the couple complained about the Right's 'distraction' techniques. It really doesn't get much lower or much cheaper or much sadder than this."—Michelle Malkin

Hmm. Well, some people might suggest that it was sadder when the two children were actually in the car accident and emerged from comas with the capabilities of infants, having to relearn everything. That just might be slightly sadder, Michelle.

UPDATE: Petulant kindly provided us with some video of the Frosts on Countdown.

The transcript will be here when available.

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