Snake in the Poop Chute

No, not that one, you perverts! Crawling out of the toilet:

Nadege Brunacci was washing her hands in her [NYC] bathroom before dawn Monday when she glanced back and saw the slithering serpent peeking out from her toilet, most of its body hidden in the pipes.

"I turned on the light and screamed," Brunacci, 38, told the New York Daily News. "It still makes my heart race."

Brunacci slammed down the lid, put a heavy box on top of the toilet and began calling for help, which came from her landlord and firefighters. Plumbers had to tear apart the downstairs neighbor's pipes to capture the snake, she said.

It's unclear how the snake made its way into the pipes.
Well, like any tourist, he probably just wanted to see the city's hotspots. If you're a human, you go to the top of the world-renowned Empire State Building. If you're a snake, you crawl through NYC's infamously awesome sewer system, highly-ranked by snakes, rats, and alligators for decades. And then, like any tourist, he just got lost. No biggie.

[H/T The Ghost of Dr. Violet Socks. Btw, you know you've been blogging a long time when you realize this is the second story about snakes in toilets you've posted.]

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