What happens in Kiev stays in Kiev…

I'm fascinated by Ukrainian politics because of the dramatic way all things Ukrainian are reported by the American press. Shit, I woke up to the fact that the Ukraine existed through the ‘oh shit, are we all going to die?’ Chernobyl disaster and then lost interest as the press lost interest after all that regime change in the former Soviet Union. But the fact remains that…well, that Cherobyl situation didn’t exactly get addressed whilst the aches and pains of sorta-democracy swept through the region (wince).

Anyhoo, I didn’t hear a thing about the Ukraine until news of the dramatic Orange Revolution followed by that suspicious may or may not have been sponsored by our sorta-guy in Russia poisoning incident hit the news. I remember pondering what all that political upheaval meant as relates to the radioactive wasteland at Chernobyl…and watching a documentary or two that freaked me the fuck out…then not hearing another damn thing about it.

Now comes news that parties linked to that Orange Revolution that dissed Putin’s pre-approved pick…which may or may not have resulted in the poisoning of President Viktor Yushchenko…have resolved a whole bunch of complex differences to come together to form a post-election coalition government.

So, now everyone is getting their government on again in Kiev.


Now, about that dilapidated Chernobyl sarcophagus that may or may not be about to start oozing glowified goo…

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