Kucinich got off a good line in last night's debate, when Tim Russert asked him about having seen a UFO: "It was an unidentified flying object, OK? It's, like, it's unidentified. I saw something."
He then noted he would be moving his campaign office to Roswell, and asserted that more Americans have probably seen UFOs than approve of Bush's presidency. Ha.
Personally, I've never seen a UFO, although one of my aunts (whom I've mentioned before) had, in addition to being haunted by her dead husband's ghost, experienced a slew of other bizarre and/or supernatural events, including a near-death experience ("I was floatin' on a little white cloud!") and having seen what she swore was an alien spacecraft while milking the cows—"And them cows didn't even bat an eye!"
She was absolutely mad; naturally, I adored her and would beg to hear these stories repeatedly.
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